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Cannabis sativa

It is a very little known fact that the hemp strain Cannabis sativa (without THC) was already cultivated thousands of years ago by our ancestors for its beneficial medical effects and for production of cloth, ropes, paper and other everyday items. As opposed to this, the hemp strain Cannabis indica (which is rich in THC) was and is misused for narcotic purposes.

With a view to the fact that over the past few decades, cannabis has been demonised in the media and linked exclusively with the psychotropic properties of THC (tetrahydrocannabinols), chaos has been introduced among people and fear of this plant has led to us forgetting that breeding of the strain Cannabis sativa led to the creation of so-called industrial cannabis during the 20th century.

Strains of this cannabis (which is used among other things for production of cosmetics) have suppressed psychoactive effects, so preparations made using them as a basis are absolutely safe and there is no need to worry about addictive substances and consequences for your health – preparations with substances from this type of cannabis can also safely be used by infants.

Another scientifically proven fact is that only oil from this type of cannabis provides the body and skin of a child with very best things needed for natural nutrition, and in the case of skin problems, significantly decreases the need to apply undesirable hormonal medicines (corticosteroids), which have several side effects.

The non-chemically extracted oil from the seeds of industrial hemp varieties is so far the richest known natural source of essential fatty acids, substances based on coenzyme Q, vitamins and other ingredients essential for ensuring the healthy development and correct functioning of the whole body – it contains several bioactive substances, which act on the course of inflammatory skin processes and strengthens the skin’s resistance to external irritant factors.

CutisHelp preparations with a balanced amount of extracted cannabis oil provide the skin with an exceptionally high quality intake of these bioactive substances, which are important for cell regeneration, are ideal for care for hypersensitive skin and for calming skin problems and illnesses.

CutisHelp products contain the purest and from the point of view of content, the richest hemp oil and are an absolutely safe cosmetic for helping adults and the very youngest of children.